The code used to create these signatures is similar to HTML. HTML is the code that is used to write webpage text. The only difference is the tags are brackets rather then greater than, less then symbols. When you write code like this you have an open code and a close code.
The open code is the action that you want to occur enclosed in brackets. Examples of this are [b] which causes your text to be bold. Another one is [i] which makes your text italic.
To stop the special feature, use the close tag. Examples are [/b] or [/i]. The / mark tells the code to stop whatever feature or option is inside the brackets.
Until you are familiar with all of the options you can look them up. Open a new message on the message board. Most boards have a gui interface that allows you to click buttons like a Microsoft word
Once you log into your account on the message board there should be an option to add your signature. This should be as simple as copy and pasting your text with the tags into a text box and clicking save
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